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Borgwarner To Cut Health Insurance For Striking Workers As Dispute Escalates

BorgWarner to cut health insurance for striking workers as dispute escalates

Amid contract negotiations, BorgWarner, an automotive supplier, is taking a hard line against striking workers by cutting off their health insurance.

The move comes as the United Auto Workers (UAW) and BorgWarner have been locked in a bitter contract dispute for months. The union is demanding better wages, benefits, and working conditions, while the company is offering a contract that the union says falls short of its demands.

The strike began in early October, and there is no end in sight. Both sides have accused the other of bad faith bargaining, and the rhetoric has become increasingly heated.

BorgWarner's decision to cut off health insurance for striking workers is a significant escalation in the dispute. The company says that it is necessary to protect its financial interests, but the union says that it is a cruel and heartless move that will only prolong the strike.

The strike at BorgWarner is the latest in a series of labor disputes in the auto industry. In recent months, workers at General Motors, Ford, and Fiat Chrysler have all gone on strike for better wages and benefits.

The strikes are a sign of growing worker unrest in the auto industry. Workers are demanding better wages and benefits, and they are willing to strike to get them.

The strikes are also a challenge to the auto companies, which have been struggling to control costs and maintain profitability.

The outcome of the strikes will have a significant impact on the future of the auto industry. If the workers are successful in winning better wages and benefits, it could lead to a wave of strikes at other companies.

If the companies are successful in holding the line on wages and benefits, it could lead to a decline in unionization and a further erosion of workers' rights.
